31 March 2009


Which book are you?

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Scary. You are in love with a vampire. You live in a rainy, dank, dark town. You have a beat up old truck. You do mad things like jump off cliffs in the wrong weather and crash motorcycles. You like bounding through the woods on Edward's back. Your best friend is Jacob, a werewolf. You sure are attracted to wild things. You must reach the bell tower in time! You want to be a vampire.
How do you compare?
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They call me hell, they call me Stacy...

Which Narnia Character Are You?

Lucy Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie
You Are Gentle,Sweet,And Love All Things Good,Your Best Friends Are Aslan And Mr.Tumnus!!
How do you compare?
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What are your true powers?

You have had some deep conections with the earth, Weather it be you enjoy hikeing or just being outside. Your type is generaly shy but not allways. Lately you may have noticed some that when your arownd plants and EARTH they have a good afect on you. You will soon find out that you have a big influence on the earth.
How do you compare?
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How well do you know Spongebob?

Hell, Yes!
Hell, Yes!
Either you've been watching Spongebob for a long time, or you have a friend or younger sibling constantly educating you. Look how happy he is! he's about to piss his pants!
How do you compare?
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30 March 2009

Fashionista in England 1

Monday 30 March

We arrived in England. I stepped off the plane at Heathrow and breathed in the English air for the first time in my life. I smiled. Happy here. He held my hand. We kissed and entered his world. his best friend, Michael was there to meet him off the plane. Apparently posh men also did this as well as Italians. (Also posh women).

There was a chauffeur waiting to pick us up, Edward's. I was so excited I clapped my hands and jumped up and down.
"She's cute!" Michael commented, "Like a pony I once had."
Like a pony?! Were all posh blokes this mad?

We arrived.

This was Edward's palace, his castle, well - his dad's for now but it was, actually a castle!

I was so enthralled by it all. His butler, also called Edward, (this would be confusing) took my coat and suitcases. Edward showed us around. Michael made funny comments as we went, I couldn't stop giggling. I winked at him. I couldn't help it.

Edward tried to show me round his farm but I had high heels on. They got covered in mud. The beautiful, black things. I nearly got tripped over by a pig and a goat bit my coat to shreds right off my back! Not a good day.

Tomorrow I will try and find a fashion job. For now I am just going to try sleeping in my new bed. It is in Edward's spare room for the moment.

I could not get to sleep at all! Edward is slumbering, snoring - the pig! Though I don't know if pigs actually snore... They must do, they snort.

I had a hot cup of cocoa down stairs. Not the same as back home...

I phoned my brother for a chat. He was the only person I knew who would be up this late. My dad died years ago.
"So you've found your English prince charming at last, eh, Ruthie!"
"Shut up! Don't call me that!" I moaned, flapping my hand to bat away the comments even though he couldn't see me.
"You are a mad goose!" the shame, my own brother - calling me that!
Has anyone ever called you a mad goose? I thought not...

I searched through the local magazines for jobs and interviews, as well as the newspapers. It was 1.00 in the morning. My eyes were rubbed by my hands and I yawned. I headed to bed. At 7am in the morning apparently Edward yanked the magazine from my hand with full force that I had been gripping on the end of my floppy arm, hanging out the side of the bed.

I woke up and my mouth opened. I opened my eyes. My arms stretched diagonally to each side. I was in my jimjams, the lovely, fluffy teddy ones. It was 8.00am, Edward gave me a wee kiss and handed me a rack of toast and lovely, homemade, local, strawberry jam with locally churned butter. Mmm! he headed off to work after squishing me into a hug and kissing me again, again, again and again! I giggled as I pushed him out of the room.
"Go on! You're going to be late!" he over powered me and kissed me one last time.
"Just one last kiss," he smiled with me and kissed me again, a lot more this time.
"More please!" I ordered my love.
"LAter!" he winked, waved and left me.
All alone. In the big, cold house. Yikes. It was scary in here. I shuddered at the thought. (I won't tell you what one). Even Edward (the butler) was out golfing with his pals. Tuesday was his day off and he was old enough to retire but he was loyal to Edward as he had brought him up and his father before him.
I hadn't met Edward's dad yet but I heard I would that night at a dinner. It was very formal, apparently, Michael would be there (yay)! and Edward's ex (boo)! So I'd see them all then... what a picnic.

28 March 2009

Fashionista in Italy 6

Saturday 28 March

The Decision

He stared into my eyes. His look was too strong, I had to look away.
"Don't beg!" I told him, holding up my hand.
I hate it when people beg, except when it's me and I deserve it.
"I'll come with you!" he grabbed my hands in his.
Our elbows were bent and our arms up, our hands by our cheeks.
He pulled me closer, staring into my eyes, "I love you!" he told me.
"I love you!" I told him.
I told Fernando I was leaving and he said, "Si, Bella! I can not see you go!" he kissed me on each cheek four times!
"I will miss you forever!" he hugged me and so did his boyfriend.
We had all become very good friends since that first show. It had binded us together.
I was sad to see them go but knew my life was changing and they couldn't fit into it anymore.
"Cioa, Bella!" he never did call me Ruth, that was the last words I ever heard Fernando speak.
We never did stay in touch.

I've seen him in the papers since. He's a really big movie star now, we go to see his movies at the cinema all the time. Edward doesn't believe me that I knew him and gave him his first big break. His first ever publicist and agent was watching the fashion show that night. He handed Fernando his card and changed Fernando's life forever.
I told my boutique boss I was leaving and she cried. I had never seen a middle-aged woman cry before. My mum never did get very emotional. Some people said she was cold but I knew that was just her way of saying, 'I love you' with silence. She would soon have someone else to cover my job, it was a really great starting point for someone.
That was it. All my links in Roma and the rest of Italy.

Roma, Roma, Roma,
How I've grown to miss you,
I nearly kissed you,
But I had to say,

I kissed a coin and through it over my head before we had to go one last time into that famous fountain again, and wished...

I won Absolutely Fabulous Dress

It is a fairy dress Bubbles wore a lot.
I payed £100 for it (I know) but it was for Comic Relief on an auction bids site called marketplace09
Check it out:
You can still see it in the finished auctions bit.

It comes with a pink dress, fairy wings, under-skirt, eye, pink, glitter bracelet and ring that actually have eyes on!! Some pink earrings that are round and baby pink.
It is all very cool and all mine!!
L xxxxxxx

Love is All Around YOU

Do they fancy you?

Love You
Love You
Dude, your in deep! I hope you love them too or you are gonna break their heart. They will stare into your yes no matter what's happening around you. Maybe that Valentine is from them...
How do you compare?
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Which Avril Lavigne song are you?

How do you compare?
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27 March 2009

Radio Scotland

I got two texts read out on Radio Scotland!!!!!!
How cool?!!!
This is really fab and amazing for a Scottish girl at heart.
They were asking if you went to school with anyone famous. I said that Calvin Harris went to my school, Dumfries Highschool.
I did not go there at the same time but they read mine out and someone else's and asked if we had any stories about them. I said I did not go at the same time as him but my music teacher said he did not pass his music exam for Standard Grade the first time and had to do it again to pass!
They read out my 2nd text with this and I was over the moon! I'm the only story person they've had so far but I'll keep you posted if they get any more.
This is true by the way - not a story!!!!!
:D ;) ;D :) `:P :p ;p ;P
~L x

Fashionista in Italy 5

Alia's Blog:

Friday 27 March

The show is on! Everyone's ready. They are buzzing about it. The other girls from the first designers new look are on first, before us, my set and I will end the show. It's so exciting. You can hear the music and feel it thumping through the floor. It is curling my stomach and making it feel hungry.
The girls strutted out in some of the highest heels I've ever seen and some of the shortest dresses - that's why I love fashion!
Once they finished I gulped for some air as the wonderful hats passed me by before my Italian guys entered the ring. It was like a baying mob ready to pounce on anything weak and whistle at anything sweet or to their taste. It was really scandalous!
Fernando took his top off! I covered my eyes. Very childish - I know but I couldn't help it. I have always automatically done that since I was twelve and it happened the first time. I don't want to talk about that now though. The other guys strutted out and took off their shirts as if it was perfectly normal and part of the show. I covered my eyes with my hand, looking through the slits, it was all going so terribly wrong. Suddenly a cheer came up from the audience and I peeked round the wall to see what had happened. They started cheering even more and I realized they loved my pieces. They were clapping and applauding for me to come on. The applause was ringing in my ears, Even when I was on the train home.
As I stepped out on the stage with my new heels funded by selling the clothes in the boutique. They were purple or magenta with red souls and were yellow on the inside. I smiled my widest and whitest toothy smile (I think because of the fab toothpaste I've been wearing), we all bowed which was quite dramatic. They brought down the curtains which circled the stage 180 degrees.

The audience gasped as the lights went out. It was getting darker now so we were thrown into the darkness of pitch black escapism apart from the sunset which was really magical. All the models gasped and sighed, and we hugged and kissed as I handed them all out teddies, flowers and a bottle of wine each for helping me out and putting on such an incredulous show.
The curtains rose up and the crowd roared as the models raised their hands to the world. Fernando smiled at me and winked again like that first time we'd met. It was like slow-motion to me. I felt like my own song was playing, a piano concerto of my life so far. it was so beautiful, peaceful, energetic and soulful. It made my heart pound faster, my jaw dropped and I sighed.
Edward was sitting in the front row, watching me lovingly. He waved his hand coolly and smiled at me. Tears filled my eyes as Fernando abounded me with flowers and kissed both cheeks as I still stared at Edward.
He whispered in my ear, "I know you love him," and then Fernando wandered off to hug a man I hadn't seen before who had been sitting behind Edward. They embraced and Fernando snogged him! That's why he took off his shirt, he was trying to show off to this new fella. I should have known, it always has something to do with men in the end.
Edward walked up to me, smiling like an angel. He opened his arms and hugged me - I was so pleased. I was surprised.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.
"What's with all the questions?" he cupped his hands round my face and kissing me softly, the crowded grew up a cheer as my song crescendoed in a way I couldn't explain.
I couldn't speak, "I!"
"Shhh!" Edward put his finger to my lips, "Listen..." he turned and I could see them now, sitting on the back row though now they were standing.
A string instrument section and a classical choir, my favourite and they were playing the most beautiful song I'd ever heard.
"It's our song!" he smiled, still holding my face he rubbed his thumb on the side of my jaw and kissed me again.
We embraced.
"I will always love you," he sang to me, "Till my dying day!"
It was such a beautiful song I started crying, I couldn't help it. It was all so soulful and cleansing, I hadn't felt like this since I got over my last relationship.
I never knew he could sing, he was so talented.
I had finally got my breath back, "What do you do?" I asked quietly.
"I'm the son of a laird and I will inherit his estate when I'm older."
"A laird!?" I gasped.
"I thought you had a job - your card!?"
"I know, I'm sorry about that but I couldn't just tell you, then I'd never know whether you just wanted me for my money or not. Although a business man would be quite wealthy, it's not like my life. Would you come to events in the local village with me back home in England? You see I am only here for some business transactions, you see I run a local charity for kids with learning difficulties in my village, hopefully soon yours too, and for the surrounding small places."

"It's like the flood gates have opened and I'm drowning!" I felt like I was going to collapse, what was it with me and men here, he always seemed to be catching my fall.
"But you don't have to!" he held my face, firmer this time, "You can be my lady when the time comes and stay with me in my manor house. I have always wanted to meet a woman as gorgeous and talented as you, Ruth, now I have, will you have me?" he asked, his eyes looked broken, like his heart would be if I said no.
"I..." I hesitated.
What should I do? My life was here in Italy, my career! Could I work in England? I had never been there before except from flying over in a plane.
"I..." I tried again but words melted as they oozed from my tongue, leaving my lips paralysed under his gaze.
How could I stop him? He would leave soon.
I kissed him to give me more time. It was a lot more than he had been anticipating.
"Is that a yes then?" he looked quite flushed and worried.

26 March 2009

Taylor Swift ***

Which celeb are you?

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift
You are creative and love to sing. You are pretty.
How do you compare?
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Water! ****

What is your Element? (Anime Girls)

Water Element
Water Element
You are Water! :)
How do you compare?
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Fashionista in Italy 4

I got them all to strut around in the place where they would be on Saturday. They were very good, very poised.
It's Saturday! Today we rock. They are going to strut down the catwalk for me in my new range. I have managed to winkle the shop owner at the boutique I work at to sell my clothes on the one where they sell them and I get the money. If they don't sell then that's it. I know it's risky but I hope it'll work.
I wonder if Edward will be there. He called me up. I'd given him my number when he asked. I told him about it and sort of invited him. He seemed interested but I don't know...

Edward when he was younger.

25 March 2009

SPider-man, Spider-man!

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

Fashionista in Italy 3

Wednesday 25 March

Dear Diary,

I met up with that model. He says he has some friends I should check out that good be good models, oh goody!
We met by the famous fountain of Italy - (you know which one I mean)!
It was great, I leaned back as two guys held me and we tossed coins in. I was wearing my denim mini shorts, pink flower, Lolita wedges that I customized and my vest/corset pink top. I had my hair pulled away from my face and up with a curve at the top at the front and left the rest hanging down.
I took some pics of the guys. The guy I've chatted to before is Fernando.


The other guys are Lucien, Gabriel, Santos and Mario.

They are all extra hot! I'm sure Edward would be jealous. I opened my eyes. I could see the sun shining so bright. I had my pink shades with the black lenses that are Rabans. I saved up for years to get a pair of these. They are so great, really keep the sun out of your eyes too. I am taking style inspiration from Katy Perry at the moment, (see below):

Want to talk to me? Give me a ring.
On: 4407960713309

Edie Brit - Orange

Which lips are you?

You are zingy and bright! You love to put on a show. You are a carnival girl with lots of pizazz to boot. You know how to get a party started and how to end it. You are controlling and technical. In your own way you are mysterious and dark. Look away now coz the angels are coming and you can't take it. Watch me fly away, to a brighter day, wait, what will tomorrow bring? Only destiny! Think to a higher place, watch down on yesterday, I will always love you, too-oo-day.
How do you compare?
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