3 June 2011

Fashionista inItaly3

It has been two years now. I have newly become engaged to Ed's best friend, Dominic. I now put on fashion shows all the time. I design my own clothes. I have a small boutique fashion label called Madam Jeffrie's. Do not ask me why I named it that. She has become my fashion alter ego for business transactions.
Dominic and I are planning to marry next year in the Spring. April should be a good time to take the vows. That ring will go on and I will be with him forever. It gives me jitters just thinking about it!
Lots of the boys from the first show have done really well and most of them always do the favour of appearing at my shows if I ask.
I have a good, new, little, close-knit group of friends here now. Especially in London. I don't really have friends in Milan but I am making one or two in New York. All the fashion capitals darling! I sound like I am becoming one of the fashion clique now.
I've heard good things about Glasgow. It could be the up and coming new fashion capital. What will Paris think? There are some really good new designers in Glasgow. I wonder how much tartan they will use? Is that obvious? Tacky? Or just proud?
Well, I hope to chat to you again soon but I do not know if I will have time to write this with all my travelling and new, hectic career.
My new job that I am loving the most at the moment is hunting for my wedding dress. What to choose?! Should I go designer and classic like Chanel or quirky like Vivienne Westwood? Or boutique? Vintage? Highstreet? That would save money. I don't know...
For now ciou and see you when I'm fifty! That's what it feels like anyway. Goodbye.

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